A Near-Perfect Food
As if flavor weren’t enough,
cheese is good for you
Max McCalman is the author of three books on cheese, the most recent being Mastering Cheese, Lessons for Connoisseurship from a Maître Fromager, and dean of curriculum for www.artisanalcheese.com. At 57 years old and 150 pounds, he is a picture of health and vitality — and he eats cheese every chance he gets.
Today, mainstream media always seems to be publishing articles recommending various foods for conquering health problems, and I always hope to find cheese on those lists of beneficial foods. Why? Because I believe cheese has so many healthful qualities that it’s one of the best foods to eat and enjoy every day. Instead, to my keen disappointment, cheese turns up on lists of foods to avoid! To make matters worse, occasionally those same references lump entire food categories, such as dairy products, together as if all dairy products were somehow poisonous. Regardless of the bad rap cheese suffers at the hands of misinformed media, consumption is growing and connoisseurship is on the rise.